Blossom End Rot in a ripened tomato. YUK!
It is all about the water and a little to do with Calcium and timing.
MAJOR Watering Issues that promote Blossom End Rot:
- Over watering. Too much water washes the nutrients out of the soil and harbors fungus.
- Irregular watering. Consistency is far more important than quantity of water.
- Watering during the hottest time of the day. Morning the best time to water.
MINOR Issues:
- Planting too soon in the season. Tomatoes like the soil to be at least 50 degrees F.
- Insure amply supply of calcium in the soil (Eggshells and Gypsum). Till 'calcium' into soil before planting, then topically apply after fruit blossoms appear.
- Pluck affected fruit IMMEDIATELY when Blossom End Rot is detected.
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Email us at: downthelanecreatives@gmail.com
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