Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tomato Blossom End Rot

Blossom End Rot can occur in almost any vegetable. Peppers, watermelons, zucchini, cucumber, carrots and tomatoes to name a few. While each type of vegetable has its own specific cause and remedy, tomatoes will be our focus here.

Blossom End Rot in a ripened tomato. YUK!


It is all about the water and a little to do with Calcium and timing.

MAJOR Watering Issues that promote Blossom End Rot:

  1. Over watering. Too much water washes the nutrients out of the soil and harbors fungus.
  2. Irregular watering. Consistency is far more important than quantity of water.
  3. Watering during the hottest time of the day. Morning the best time to water.

MINOR Issues:

  1. Planting too soon in the season. Tomatoes like the soil to be at least 50 degrees F.
  2. Insure amply supply of calcium in the soil (Eggshells and Gypsum). Till 'calcium' into soil before planting, then topically apply after fruit blossoms appear.
  3. Pluck affected fruit IMMEDIATELY when Blossom End Rot is detected.

Need Additional Help?
Email us at: downthelanecreatives@gmail.com

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